Pre Conference day :29 March 2022

All Schedule times are listed in Local Doha Time (GMT+3)

Day 1


30 March 2022

11:00-11:30 Opening Session Session Chair: Raian Ali

11:30-12:30 Keynote  Session Chair: Nilufar Baghaei
Evangelos Karapanos* Towards Theoretically and Empirically Grounded Design of Behavior Change Technologies
12:30-13:00 Break
13:00-14:05 Session 1 Session Chair: Rita Orji
Authors Title
13:00 Wenzhen Xu*, Yuichi Ishikawa and Roberto Legaspi The utility of personality types for personalizing persuasion
13:15 Best Paper Nominee Felix Nti Koranteng*, Jaap Ham, Uwe Matzat and Isaac Wiafe Supporting to be Credible: Investigating Perceived So-cial Support as a Determinant of Perceived Credibility
13:30 Best Paper Nominee Andrea Bertolini and Rachele Carli Human-Robot Interaction and User Manipulation
13:45 Dennis Reidsma*, Sander ten Brinke, Robby van Delden and Dees Postma Coaxing: An Empirical Exploration of a Novel Way to Nudge Athletic Performance in Sports
14:00 Hirokazu Tanaka, Hiromu Motomatsu, Yugo Nakamura and Yutaka Arakawa Context-Aware Chatbot based on Cyber-Physical Sensing for promoting Serendipitous Face-to-Face Communication in COVID-19
14:10-14:20 Break
14:20-15:20 Poster session Session Chair: Khin Win, Rita Orji Posters and Lightning Talks
Ignatius Ogbaga, Ifeyinwa Ajah, Nkwo Makuochi and Rita Orji Co-Developing with the Victims: A Persuasion System to Address the Behavioural Delinquencies of Africans towards Malaria
Behzad Mohammadian Entrepreneurial Humility and learning from serious games
He Li and Federico Tajariol A pragmatic proposal of design innovation through users in the field of COVID-19 digital services
Elham Aznab and Mohammad Akbarnia Persuasive nature of UGC in sharing economy:  evidence for entrepreneurship in post-COVID-19 Abstract
Shahla Meedya Using Persuasive Technology in Maternity Health Education
Elena Vlahu-Gjorgievska Motivating Users to Engage in Behaviour Change: The role of the User Interface Design Patterns in mHealth Applications
Selin Gurgun Combatting misinformation through design
Ceyda Kiyak Mind the gap: Minimising online gambling related harm through persuasive technologies
15:30-16:35 Session 2 Session Chair: Khin Win
15:30 Best Paper Nominee Oladapo Oyebode*, Felwah Alqahtani and Rita Orji Exploring for Possible Effect of Persuasive Strategy Implementation Choices: Towards Tailoring Persuasive Systems
15:45 Feng Zhu, Sandra Carpenter and Mini Zeng Subliminal Warnings: Utilizing the High Bandwidth of Nonconscious Visual Perception
16:00 Jaisheen Kour Reen*, Aniefiok Friday and Rita Orji Saving life and keeping privacy: A study on Mobile Apps for Suicide Prevention and Privacy Policies
16:15 Oladapo Oyebode* and Rita Orji Player Matching in a Persuasive Mobile Exergame: Towards Performance-driven Collaboration and Adaptivity
16:25 Chinenye Ndulue and Rita Orji Player Personality Traits and the Effectiveness of a Persuasive Game for Disease Awareness among the African Population

Day 2


31 March 2022

11:00-12:15 Session 3 Session Chair: Jaap Ham
Authors Title
11:00 Eunice Eno Yaa Frimponmaa Agyei*, Sami Pohjolainen and Harri Oinas-Kukkonen The impact of Medical Device Regulation on developing health behavior change support systems
11:15 Emily Arden-Close*, Elvira Bolat, Laura Vuillier and Raian Ali Perceptions of real-time interactive persuasive technology for managing online gambling
11:30 Lisa Burr*, Nick Betzlbacher, Alexander Meschtscherjakov and Manfred Tscheligi Breathing Training on the Run: Exploring Users Perception on a Gamified Breathing Training Application during Treadmill Running
11:45 Best Paper Nominee Tomohiro Sakai*, Yuichi Kuriki, Wenzhen Xu, Masato Taya and Atsunori Minamikawa A Psychological Model for Predicting the Smartphone Zombie Phenomenon and Intervention
12:00 Elisabeth Ganal*, Max Heimbrock, Philipp Schaper and Birgit Lugrin Don’t Touch This! – Investigating the Potential of Visualizing Touched Surfaces on the Consideration of Behavior Change
12:15-12:30 Break
12:30-13:30 Panel Session Dr. Hatem Mheni – QNRF Qatar, Dr. Ryan Ko, University of Queensland, Australia, Dr. Nineta Polemi, University of Piraeus, Greece, Dr. Annemarie Braakman-Jansen. University of Twente, Netherlands

Moderator: Dr. Raian Ali

Inter-disciplinary research: a research commissioner view
13:30-14:00 Break
14:00-15:00 Keynote Session Chair: Julita Vassileva
  Preslav Nakov Detecting the “Fake News” Before It Was Even Written
15:00-15:15  Break
15:15-16:15 Session 4 Session Chair: Dena Al-Thani
Authors Title
15:15 Mona Alhasani* and Rita Orji SortOut: Persuasive Stress Management Mobile Application for Higher Education Students
15:25 Anirudh Ganesh*, Chinenye Ndulue and Rita Orji Smartphone Security & Privacy – A Gamified Persuasive Approach with Protection Motivation Theory
15:35 Garron Hillaire, Jessica Chen*, Chris Buttimer, Josh Littenburg-Tobias, Abdi Ali and Justin Reich Mixed methods examination of behavior change from learning supports based on a model of helping in equity focused simulation based
15:45 Mohammed Tahri Sqalli*, Dena Al-Thani, Mohamed Elshazly and Mohammed Al-Hijji A Blueprint for an AI&AR-based Eye Tracking System to Train Cardiology Professionals Better Interpret Electrocardiograms
15:55 Seyedeh Mina Mousavifar* and Julita Vassileva Investigating the efficacy of persuasive strategies on promoting fair recommendations
16:15-16:30 Award ceremony Session Chair: Julita Vassileva Information by Steering Committee & Closing Remarks

Presenters are highlighted in a different color with *